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Bloom Beautiful


Orange County based author Stacey Robbins is releasing Bloom Beautiful on Wednesday, a book full of inspiring quotes from blogs, postings and other writings that make it a perfect gift for sisters, girlfriends, teachers and really anyone that you would like to be encouraged and uplifted. It's a charming, insightful, encouraging book with bite-sized bits of wisdom, wrapped in creative artwork by Susannah Parrish who does work for Amy Grant, Trace Adkins, Kevin Costner and Toby Mac.

If you order by Wednesday, the books will be shipped out by Dec. 10 and Stacey is including a special gift in the first orders


Party at A


Join Chef and Sugar Ray drummer, Stan Frazier at the A Restaurant Tuesday from 6 to 8 p.m. for the season finale of Chef Race: U.K. vs. U.S. At this screening we’ll find out who wins the reality show’s jackpot of $100,000. There will be hosted drinks and snacks and a special musical performance following the show.  A percentage of the proceeds will go to Musicians on Call, bringing live and recorded music to the bedside of patients in healthcare facilities across the country.

You can reserve a table now at 949.650.6505.

A Restaurant is at 3334 Pacific Coast Hwy. in Newport Beach.

photo courtesy Daily Pilot.

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